Art.1 The Musical Cultural Association AULOS, in collaboration with the Municipality of Noci (Bari), calls the 20th International Clarinet Competition “Saverio Mercadante”. The twentieth edition will take place:- from 30 to 31 July, 2024 in Qingdao (China) for YOUNG SOLOISTS, JUNIOR SOLOISTS and for SENIOR SOLOISTS only live pre-selection (eliminatory Round);
- from 17 to 20 October, 2024 in Noci (BARI-Italy) for JUNIOR SOLOISTS and SENIOR SOLOISTS 2nd Round and Final Round.
The winners of prizes in Qingdao in the YOUNG and JUNIOR sections will not be able to partecipate in the same section in Italy. Art. 2 The International Competition aims at promoting and spreading musical culture and at the same time artistic patrimony of the places welcoming the competition activity. The Competition addresses to soloists clarinettists and it consists of three sections: SENIOR SOLOISTS (no older than 35 years) application deadline July 14, 2024
JUNIOR SOLOISTS (no older than 18 years) application deadline July 14, 2024
YOUNG SOLOISTS (no older than 15 years) application deadline July 14, 2024
Art. 3 The application to the competition implies the acceptance of all rules. Art. 4The application will be submitted exclusively through the ONLINE REGISTRATION from the official website within July 14, 2024 and documents to the secretary’s office of 20th INTERNATIONAL CLARINET COMPETITION “Saverio Mercadante” email address by attaching:1. The receipt for payment of the membership fee headed to the name Associazione Musico Culturale AULOS Zona H, 117/B - 70015 Noci (Bari) – Italy. The recipient bank account is: - Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Alberobello e Sammichele di Bari, - BIC/SWIFT code: CCRTIT2TALB; - IBAN code: IT85 M083 3841 5800 0200 3001 705 with the following amounts: ♦ € 100,00 category SENIOR SOLOISTS ♦ € 60,00 category JUNIOR SOLOISTS and YOUNG SOLOISTS 2. one recent black-and-white photo size 9x12 cm; 3. curriculum vitae (musical studies and biography written in Italian or English); 4. copy of an identification document. Art.5 Candidates from the SENIOR SOLOISTS section who pass the pre-selection will be admitted directly the 2nd Round in Italy which will be held from 17 to 20 October 2024. Therefore, these candidates will not be required to make any pre-selection video. Art.6 The auditions of the competition will be public. Competitors are not obliged to perform pieces from memory. The order of performance in the various auditions can be chosen freely by the competitor. Competitors can participate at more than one of the categories. Before the audition, candidates will be delivered 2 copies of the works that will be performed. Art.7 The order of performance will be determined by the drawing of a letter that will take place on the first day of the competition and it will be valid for all stages of selection. The drawing will take place in the presence of competitors. Art.8 Any recording and relevant radio or Tv transmissions and photos authorized by the organization will not imply any remuneration of performers. Art.9 The winners will be announced at the end of the section or on July 31st at the discretion of the jury. Art.10 The jury will be composed by eminent international musicians. Art.11 The jury has the right not to award prizes having not an adequate artistic level and of awarding any ex-aequo prizes. The jury's decision is final and cannot be appealed. Art.12 The Organizing Committee will provide accompanists pianists for participants integrating the membership fee with € 20,00. Art.13 Travel and accommodation expenses will be paid by the participants. The Organization is available for indicating the best logistic offers and any convention with accommodation facilities. Art.14 Money prizes are considered inclusive of tax. Art.15 If necessary, the Organizing Committee reserves the right of modifying these rules and, in that case, changes will be communicated to the parties concerned in good time.