Master E. PETROV


22 OTTOBRE 2012
Turi (Bari) - Italy

Masterclass location



La frequenza alla Masterclass è riservata a giovani clarinettisti o gruppi cameristici con clarinetto italiani e stranieri; essa si svolgerà nella Sala Conferenze di Palladium Music di Turi (Bari) il 22 ottobre 2012. La Masterclass è organizzata in collaborazione con la ditta Palladium Music di Turi (Bari). Gli iscritti potranno liberamente scegliere il programma da sottoporre al docente oppure partecipare solo in qualità di uditori. A conclusione della Masterclass, a tutti gli iscritti, verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione.

Nella domanda d’iscrizione, indirizzata alla Associazione Musico Culturale AULOS - Noci (Bari), da inviare per e-mail all'indirizzo, dovrà essere allegata ricevuta di versamento della quota di partecipazione alla Master di € 70,00 per i solisti e € 45,00 pro capite per i gruppi cameristici intestata alla Associazione Musico Culturale AULOS c/c postale nr. 33785163. Saranno ammessi al max 8 effettivi, l'ammissione è determinata dall'arrivo delle domande. La quota per gli uditori, che deve essere versata il giorno stesso della Masterclass, è di € 30,00. Si prega di specificare nella domanda: Nome e cognome, data e luogo di nascita, indirizzo, numero telefonico e programma musicale. Le domande dovranno pervenire entro 18 ottobre 2012.


The appendance to Masterclass is reserved to young Italian and foreign clarinettists or chamber groups with clarinet. It will take place in the Conference Hall of Palladium Music in Turi (Bari-Italy) the 22 October 2012. The Masteclass is oraganized with the Palladium Music of Turi (Bari).
The participants can choose the program freely to be submitted to the teacher or they can participate only as audience. At the end of the Masterclass it will be issued a certificate of appendance. In the application, addressed to Associazione Musico Culturale AULOS - Noci (Bari-Italy), and send by e-mail:, you must attach the receipt for payment of the partecipate fee of € 70,00 for soloists and € 45,00 pro components of chamber music groups headed to the name Associazione Musico Culturale AULOS Zona H, 117/B - 70015 Noci (Bari) Italy. It will be paid on the postal order on current account BIC BPPIITRRXXX, IBAN - IT97 Y076 0104 0000 0003 3785 163. Be admitted to max 8 active students and the admission is determined by the arrival of the registration. The enrolment fee for audience students is € 30,00 and it's possible to pay the same day of the Masterclass. Specify please in your application: Name and surname, date and place of birth, address, telephone number and a list of pieces to execute.The demand will reach us by 18 October 2012.



Evgeny Petrov was born in Moscow. He studied in and finished Central Special Musical School (CSMS), graduated from Moscow Conservatoire and finished a post-graduate course of clarinet under the guidance of V.A.Sokolov, professor of Moscow Conservatoire and National artist of Russia.

Since he was 14 years old E.Petrov began concert activity, and performed his first solo concert. In 1986 he got a Diploma and in 1989 became a prize-winner (the First Award) of International radio competition “Concertino-Prague”. He performed in many Russian towns, in Moscow he performed in: Conservatoire (The Big Hall, The Small Hall, The Rakhmaninov Hall), in Kolonnij Hall of Palace of Unions, The Tchaikovskyi Hall, The Palace of Composers and other halls of Moscow. He became a prize-winner of International Competition of Clarinetists in Geneva (the Second Award) and received International grant (“Award association”) in 1990.

He was in tour with solo concerts and orchestra concerts in Japan (Santory-Hall, Orchard Hall) in 1991 and 1994. He also was on tour in France, Germany, Mexico, Bulgaria, the USA, Denmark, Greece, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia.

He was awarded jubilee medal of “Bunkamura” firm in 1994. The same year he played concerts with orchestras directed by U.Bashmet, V.Fedoseev, S.Bezrodnaya, A.Kats, A.Zeibel as a soloist, took part in International festivals in Kolmar, Tura, Kiel, in gala-concert “Sozvezdie molodykh talantov” (“Constellation of young talents”) in the Bolshoi Theatre (recording was transmitted on Central TV). E.Petrov worked as a member of a quartet, named after Borodin, with pianists Nikolai Luganskyi, Naum Schtarkmann, Mikhail Arkadyev, Valeryi Pjasezkyi, Nikolai Petrov, Pavel Nersesyan. One part of Schumann’s trio was recorded by U.Bashmet, M.Muntian, E.Petrov as a soundtrack for film “Vokzal mechty”. E.Petrov became a Prize-winner of International Charity program “New names” in 1995. He is a member of International Schubert Society and takes parts in the concerts that it regulary organizes. E.Petrov’s name is included into the book “From the Twentieth Century to the Twenty-first Century”.

Since 1994 E.Petrov has been a teacher in CSMS of Moscow Conservatoire. At present Evgeny Petrov serves also as a professor at the Moscow Conservatoire. Many students of Evgeny Petrov became prize-winners of International Competitions.

They successfully took part in concerts of Spivakov Foundation and of International Charity program “School of Muses”. E.Petrov’s repertoire includes majority of classical and modern solo and chamber-ensemble pieces, and also about 30 concerts for performing with orchestra. He has CD recordings (firms: Dowani, Etcetera), recording at the “Orpheus” radio station.

In 2007 E.Petrov was a member of jury at the International competition of the clarinetists in Geneva, played a recital and gavemaster-classes in Israel. In 2008 Е.Petrov gave the recital and master-classes in Venesuela, played the concert in the festivale de La Roque d’Antheron(France).

Since 2007 E.Petrov is Honored artist of Russia.In 2009 E.Petrov was a member of jury at the 1-st International competition in  Beijing, “Marco Fiorindo”(Italy). In 2010 he played concerts with Honored orchestra of Sankt-Petersburg’s philarmony and with Honored national orchestra of Ukraine.